How to Lounge…Tip #4

The other day Reneca and I were talking about how it is so crazy that the only songs that are running through our heads are kid songs. The only songs that I have sung in a while have been The Wheels on the Bus or Twinkle, Twinkle. In order to keep our sanity it is so important to not lose our identity as far as music goes. 

Our lounge tip today is to play your music loud and sing out loud! 🙂 Dig out those old cd’s or cassette tapes and play the music you used to enjoy before becoming a Mom. I like to turn on the R&B station on my cable box. Hearing those songs from the 80’s and 90’s always puts me in a good mood. It does a soul good to dance and sing–letting go of your stress and enjoying the moment! Let us know what your favorite jam is!


Arnold Palmer (to make a Momtini just add your vodka or champagne of choice)

Mix one part lemonade with one part iced tea. Serve over ice and garnish with a lemon wedge!